October 2023
Wow, what a wonderful start to the year the Reception children have had. We are so proud of how well they have settled into school already and a massive thank you to all of the parents for their support along the way.
We started the term by learning all about wellbeing and mindfulness within West Rise. We have delved deeper into our mindful breathing, mindful massage, our different parts of the brain and learnt lots of lovely songs such as ‘123 It’s Good To Be Me’ and ‘Breathing in, Breathing Out’.
Our topic this term is ‘All About Me’ and we have loved seeing your family photos that have been sent in, the children have been so excited to share these with their class and friends too.
Although still very mild and sunny, we have begun talking about the season Autumn and have been looking out for signs of Autumn within our environment. Our ‘Stunning Start’ involved us visiting our beautiful Nature Garden where we came across a hidden basket with the story ‘Pumpkin Soup’ by Helen Cooper. We passed the pumpkin around the circle and then listened to the story, talking afterwards about the key characters and how we can make pumpkin soup. We have been very busy with lots of fun activities such as autumn leaf crowns, making ‘Autumn Soup’ in the water trays and getting very messy scooping out the insides of pumpkins!
The children have been so excited to start their first PE lessons within school. They have been exploring the space within the Sports Hall and learning how to negotiate the space safely. We also practiced taking off our shoes and socks independently and following simple instructions when playing games. After the October half term the children will be independently changing into their PE kit for all future PE lessons.