Reception Autumn Term 2 Newsletter
Welcome back, we hope you had an enjoyable half term break. We are looking forward t oan exciting seven weeks full of fantastic learning opportunities.
We have loved starting back by sharing your child’s amazing 2D and 3D stars for their half-term challenge. The children have really enjoyed talking about and sharing how they made them with the class. Their stars will be displayed in the class roleplay for all to see!
In Literacy, our stories for the next few weeks are ‘Owl Babies’ and the Oliver Jeffers books – ‘The Way Back Home’ as well as ‘How to Catch a Star’. The children were excited to have received a letter from the alien explaining that he needed their help to get back to his planet! They have also worked incredibly hard to write back to the alien all about what they would see in space!
In Maths, we will continue to recognise and write numbers from 1 to 5 and to count forwards and backwards accurately. The children will be representing 5 on five frames and understand that if the frame is full then there are 5. They will also be matching the number names to numerals and quantities and be able to say which sets have more and which have fewer items. We will also be learning lots of new number songs and rhymes, such as the number stomp and number macarena!
We are also exploring the effects of ‘Light and Dark’ – our topic for this term! The children will have fun playing with torches in their ‘dark role play caves’, learn about nocturnal animals, keeping safe in the dark and all about shadows.
There are lots of different celebrations happening around the world during this term including: Diwali, Remembrance Day, Bonfire night and of course Christmas. The children will be learning about these events and discussing, if and how their families celebrate different occasions.
We are very proud to be a Mind Up school and this means that the children will continue to practice mindful breathing at least three times a day. They know this will calm their brain and help develop their learning. We shall also be exploring using our senses through mindful listening, smell, taste and touch.
Finally, we would like to thankyou for your continuing support with your child’s learning.
The Reception Team.