Our Ofsted Reports
OFSTED recently inspected the West Rise Nursery, here are just a few of the comments taken from the report, you can read the full report below.
'Children feel safe and secure within the homely nursery. They are highly motivated to learn and engage in the unique experiences with the other children and the adults.'
'Staff understand that for children to be ready to learn they need to feel settled and be able to manage their emotions. Therefore, staff place a high importance on helping children regulate their behaviour.'
'The staff make good use of drama, music and puppets to encourage the children to develop their speech and language and imagination in an exciting way.'
'Children are encourage to understand and celebrate their different cultural backgrounds.'
'Parents are very positive about the varied experiences their children have and how staff communicate with them.'
'Staff skilfully encourage children's learning so that they can learn in all areas while following their interests.'
'Children show respect for the environment and each other...staff skillfully support children to share resources by teaching them simple strategies. This has a positive impact on the children's relationships.'