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PE Funding

At West Rise we aspire to provide an outstanding PE experience for our children through providing expert professional coaches as role models, and through promoting a 'can do' attitude. Through our planned PE programmes, every child is encouraged to see themselves as a healthy individual, able to make healthy life choices and even be a future sports superstar!

During 2018-19 we received £17,421.00 in funding which we used as follows:

Yoga for children
£4, 628.64
Lunchtime Healthy Activity Leadership
£2, 506.00
TA in charge of promoting physical outdoor learning in the EYFS
£2, 633.00
Jump Ahead Physical Programme
£2, 528.00
Premier Sports Lunch Club
£5, 880.00
PE Equipment
£18, 286.89
Carry forward into 2019-20
- £476.89


At West Rise Community Infant School we believe that PE is very important for children’s health, wellbeing and whole development. As such, we aim for our PE provision to encourage children into patterns of healthy living and exercise. Sports funding at West Rise is used to support this aim and the careful allocation of funding is key to developing physical confidence and a greater sense of physical capability. Through providing opportunities to compete in sport and other physical activities children will be able to understand the values of respect for self, for others as well as build resilience and fairness.

We use our Sports funding to provide an outstanding and varied PE experience for our children and part of this is to enable expert professional coaching and mentoring with professionals on site who stand as both role models and as physical inspiration for the children. Through our planned PE programmes, every child is encouraged to see themselves as a healthy individual, able to make healthy life choices and even be a future sports superstar! During 2023-24 we received £17,800 in funding which we used as follows:


Yoga for children £2,700

Lunchtime Healthy Activity Leadership £3,503

TA in charge of promoting physical outdoor learning in the EYFS £3,585

Jump Ahead Physical Programme £3,628

Premier Sports Lunch Club £6,525


Carry forward into 2024-25 - £0 (-£2,141)

PE Funding Impact Report 2023-24

Yoga for children. The impact of this initiative has been far reaching in terms of physical and also wider wellbeing, in that every child in the school has taken part in yoga on a regular basis. Benefits are vast, from improved emotional wellbeing and ability to follow instruction to physical impact such as increased flexibility, balance, weight bearing, stamina, respect for self and others and also self-regulation, all of which is needed in order to participate in any team sport as well as physical development in itself. Sports coaches and teachers teaching PE report an improvement in children's engagement levels in lessons and improved physical skills such as balance and co-ordination which is impacting positively on team sport skills too. Children have been observed practising yoga independently at playtimes and in the classroom - this helps to send the message that movement and strength not only comes from vigorous exercise but that it can become part of your daily routine. Evidence - Pupil voice, coaches responses, teacher evaluations and observations.

Lunchtime Healthy Activity Leadership. The impact of this expenditure has been that there has been a dedicated member of staff at lunchtime encouraging children to be active, including promoting games, skipping and goal shooting competitions as well as modelling how to use playground markings, develop team games (football and basketball) as well as leading fun time trials! Benefits include more children are being active, as well as the identification and targeting of individuals who choose not to be physically active at lunchtime. We are also creating a safer and more physically focussed play environment. Evidence - Observations of lunchtime play, child responses, children developing their own games too.

TA in charge of promoting physical outdoor learning in the EYFS

Physical Development is one of the Prime Areas of Learning in the EYFS and use of funding has increased focus to this area by having a key adult responsible for physical outdoor learning – PE beyond PE lessons. The impact of this has been that more physical activities are set up each day and children are actively engaging in these. Observations have shown that all children in the EYFS cohort progress well towards the Physical area of learning at least expected standard, with many showing particular

Evidence - Data, observations, planning.

Jump Ahead Physical Programme Jump Ahead has had a big impact on individual children’s physical development and the PE funding has enabled us to be able to include more children in the Jump Ahead Programme. This is turn has led to improved co-ordination and cognitive functioning of children involved. Evidence - Pupil voice, lesson observations, teacher feedback, Jump Ahead trackers.

Premier Sports Lunch Club The impact of this expenditure is far reaching as many children benefit from the coaching and modelling provided by Premier Sports. Coaches report that there is a steady increase in children taking part in structured fitness activities as provided by the coach. Evidence - Tracking from Premier Sports, feedback from staff, children and some parents too.

Further Impact of PE funding:

· Pupil Voice shows that children have a love of PE and are engaging fully in lessons with the Sports Coaches (Evidence: Pupil voice +drop in observations by SLT and PE leader)

· Teachers feel more confident in delivering lessons that include fitness and have a broader experience (Evidence: Staff meeting discussions)

· Teachers have been able to make more accurate and fully developed assessments since working with the Sports coach (Evidence: Assessment records)

· Most children are at Age related expectation for PE or above (Evidence: Assessment records)

PE Funding 2024/25 Predicted Income £17,790 to be spent as above in order to maintain current provision.