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PE Funding

At West Rise we aspire to provide an outstanding PE experience for our children through providing expert professional coaches as role models, and through promoting a 'can do' attitude. Through our planned PE programmes, every child is encouraged to see themselves as a healthy individual, able to make healthy life choices and even be a future sports superstar!

During 2018-19 we received £17,421.00 in funding which we used as follows:

Yoga for children
£4, 628.64
Lunchtime Healthy Activity Leadership
£2, 506.00
TA in charge of promoting physical outdoor learning in the EYFS
£2, 633.00
Jump Ahead Physical Programme
£2, 528.00
Premier Sports Lunch Club
£5, 880.00
PE Equipment
£18, 286.89
Carry forward into 2019-20
- £476.89

At West Rise we aspire to provide an outstanding PE experience for our children and the PE funding we receive is enabling us to meet this aspiration. Through providing expert professional coaching and mentoring, our professionals on site stand as role models and physical inspiration for the children. Through our planned PE programmes, every child is encouraged to see themselves as a healthy individual, able to make healthy life choices and even be a future sports superstar! During 2022-23 we received £17,800 in funding which we used as follows:


Yoga for children £7,675

Lunchtime Healthy Activity Leadership £3,251

TA in charge of promoting physical outdoor learning in the EYFS £3,379

Jump Ahead Physical Programme £3,346

Premier Sports Lunch Club £5,550


Carry forward into 2023-24

£0 (-£5,401)

PE Funding Impact Report 2021-22

Yoga for children
The impact of this initiative has been that every child in the school has taken part in yoga on a regular basis. Benefits are vast, from improved emotional wellbeing and ability to follow instruction to physical impact such

as increased flexibility, respect for self and others and self-regulation which is needed in order to participate in any team sport. Sports coaches and teachers teaching PE report an improvement in children's engagement levels in lessons and improved physical skills such as balance and co-ordination team skills. Children have been observed practising yoga independently at playtimes and this helps to send the message that movement and strength not only comes from vigorous exercise and that it can become part of your daily routine. Evidence - Pupil voice, coaches responses, teacher evaluations and observations.

Lunchtime Healthy Activity Leadership.
The impact of this expenditure has been that there has been a dedicated member of staff at lunchtime encouraging children to be active, including modelling how to use the activity trail playground markings, setting up team games such as football and basketball and also time trials. Benefits include more children are being active, as well as the identification and targeting of individuals who choose not to be physically active at lunchtime and a safer play environment.

Evidence - Observations of lunchtime play.
TA in charge of promoting physical outdoor learning in the EYFS The impact of this has been that more physical activities are set up each day and children are actively engaging in these. Observations have shown that all children in the EYFS cohort achieved at least expected standard, with many showing particular confidence and aptitude in aspects of physical development.

Evidence - Data, observations, planning. Jump Ahead Physical Programme
Being able to engage more children in the Jump Ahead Programme due to the funding received, has had considerable impact on the co-ordination and cognitive functioning of children involved. This in turn has impact in all attainment markers.

Evidence - Pupil voice, lesson observations, teacher feedback. Premier Sports Lunch Club
The impact of this expenditure has been a nearly 65% increase in children taking part in structured fitness activities as provided by the coach.

Evidence - Tracking from Premier Sports PE Equipment
Having the correct equipment for sports and fitness is essential and using

the funding for this is obviously really important so that the coaches have what they need to fully teach skills.

Further Impact:

  • Pupil Voice shows that children have a love of PE and are engaging fully in lessons with the Sports Coaches (Evidence: Pupil voice +drop in observations by SLT and PE leader)
  • Teachers feel more confident in delivering lessons that include fitness and have a broader experience (Evidence: Staff meeting discussions)
  • Teachers have been able to make more accurate and fully developed assessments since working with the Sports coach (Evidence: Assessment records)
  • Most children are at Age related expectation for PE or above (Evidence: Assessment records)

The Government provides funding of £150 million per annum to provide new, substantial primary school sport funding. This funding is jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and sees money going directly to primary school Headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. The purpose of the funding is that schools have to spend the sport funding in improving their provision of PE and sport, but they have the freedom to choose how they do this. Allocation Funding for schools is calculated by the number of primary aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11) as at the annual census. All schools with 17 or more primary aged pupils receive a lump sum of £16,000, plus a premium of £10 per pupil.

Schools are held to account for how they spend the Sport funding. Ofsted has strengthened its inspection of sport and PE so that schools and inspectors are able to securely evidence funding used and also account for impact. The Senior Leadership Team at West Rise Infant School regularly monitor and assess the impact of the funding and report back to the Governing Body.

PE Funding 2023/24
Predicted Income £17,800 to be spent as above in order to maintain current provision.