Year 2 Newsletter - Spring term 1 - 2025
Happy New Year! Welcome back and we hope you have had a lovely Christmas break.We returned to school and set about resettling ourselves into school life. We began with a reminder of the importance of Mindfulness and also how this can set us ready for each new learning task we face. Also, as part of our Wellness focus, we have been thinking about how AMAZING we are and how we are in control of our brains and our emotions! We have even used the Disney film ‘Inside Out’ to help us! We have set intentions for the year, we can do it!
This term, we have launched our new topic ‘Dinosaurs!’ The children have been very excited by this and are really enjoying finding out fascinating facts about lots of different dinosaurs!
In English we are using a wonderful book called ‘The First Drawing’ by Mordecai Gerstein. It is a book about a little cave girl who sees images in the campfire and clouds and tries to get her family to see them too. They can’t until she discovers how to use chalk on the cave wall to create pictures! We will also be using the text ‘Wild Girl’ by Chris Wormell to inspire our own story writing and we will use this as inspiration for our own versions as our writing assessment this term.
In Maths we will continue to build on our learning from last term and will be exploring money- looking at the different value of notes and coins and calculating using it. We will also be learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables and relating this to division.
In History we will be finding out about dinosaurs and creating fabulous fact files as well as learning about Mary Anning and her discovery of fossils! In Art we will be exploring pop art and creating some of our own Andy Warhol inspired artwork with a dinosaur focus!
In RE we will be learning about Islam and discussing people that are important to Muslims. In Science we will be observing and describing how seeds and bulbs grow and what they need to survive.
Thank you as always for your support with your child’s learning. Please keep up the good work with reading and Friday challenges. We look forward to this exciting term!
The Year Two Team