Year 1 Autumn Term 2 2024
A very warm welcome back to Term 2! Can you believe we’re nearing the end of the year already? The Autumnal weather has brought not only rain but also the beauty of colourful leaves falling all around us, which has particularly interested and excited the children this year.
This term we are continuing our new topic of ‘Fire Fire’ We have already enjoyed learning about the Great Fire of London, combining history and art using our new colour mixing skills to create poster paint, oil pastel and water colour pictures. We have also had a wonderful time re-enacting the story using our new immersive experience headphones. What an exciting adventure we had!
You have probably already heard that we have been learning all about why we celebrate Bonfire Night, with Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. The children have then thoroughly enjoyed creating their own firework pictures with paints and chalk pastels.
In our learning journey afternoons, we will be looking at different artists ‘work with nature’, one of which is Andy Goldsworthy who we will take our inspiration from, creating our own artwork using nature. In D.T we will be designing and making our own fire engines with axels and wheels. In Science we have been learning how to sort and classify animals into different groups. We now know what carnivores, herbivores and omnivores eat.
In English, we will be using the wonderful story and text of ‘The Very Lonely Firefly’ by Eric Carle to inspire our own create story writing of a firefly’s adventure. We can’t wait for you to read them using all our new writing skills.
In Maths we will be continuing to build a strong foundation of the concept of number, using a range of helpful resources such as Numicon, tens frames and part part whole. We got off to a great start this term and have already been learning our number bonds to 10 with the help of the number bond song and are now going to be introducing addition, subtraction, doubles and 2D shape.
The children are thoroughly enjoying using the computers this year and are becoming very good at logging on independently. Many of you have said how much your children are enjoying using the Purple Mash online platform. If you haven’t yet, you can use your child’s individual log in to find educational fun and games in their free time.
Our wellbeing focus is to be kind and considerate to each other and to work as a team, to help and support each other.
Thankyou to those of you who were able to come to our parent consultations. It was so lovely to meet with you all and share how well your children have settled and are growing in their learning and independence.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.
The Year One Team.