This term Year 2 have been finding out about different dragons. One of the books they have been reading is about quite a special dragon, it is called 'The Adventures of Egg Box Dragon'. They were all so inspired by the story that each child created their own dramatic newspaper article about what happened in the story. This activity also included designing their own dragon in its very own home. The children worked in teams to decide what materials they would need and how they could make sure the structure was strong and that their dragon had a comfy spot to sleep. They reflected on their designs and final pieces and discussed what they loved and what they could do even better next time.
In geography, the children have been learning about maps and enjoying designing their own maps of the school and their local area, making sure to include a key and symbols. They thought about how a dragon could use their maps to find its way around. The children also had an audio experience in the hall where they had to use their map reading skills to defeat a dragon!
Each class has started watching the film 'Excitable Edgar', the story of a very misunderstood dragon. They will be discussing how Edgar feels at different points of the film and using this to write a diary entry and a retelling of the story. All the children think Edgar is very cute and have discussed how kind Ava is, she is a lovely friend to Edgar. This has linked well with their wellbeing work about how to listen and be kind to our friends.
Well done Year 2, truly wonderful work!