Year Two - Summer Term 2
Welcome back to a hopefully sunny Summer Term! We have begun our new ‘Out into Space’ topic with an email from Astronaut Annie who has asked us to help her on her space mission and find out about the planets she will be exploring. We will be using facts that we find out to send emails to her in space!
For our ENGLISH FOCUS this term, the children will be using the text ‘Bob, Man on the Moon’ and will be writing a character profile all about him. They will also be writing fabulous facts about the night sky and the solar system and making wonderful fact-files all of which will contribute to our end of year assessments.
In MATHS, we will be consolidating all the work so far and encouraging the children to have a go at solving problems more independently. We will begin to learn about column addition and will be revisiting division and multiplication.
Our CREATIVE LEARNING JOURNEY work will be packed full of exciting Space activities involving
- Learning about the first person to land on the moon (History)
- Exploring space shuttles and equipment needed for life in space (Science and PHSE)
- Recreating Van Gogh’s Starry Night picture. (Art)
As a fabulous finish to our topic we will have a fantastic experience from the visiting Planetarium on Thursday 27th June, where we will see actual photos of the stars and planets right at the moment in time! We will see the International Space Station, and find out many amazing facts about the planets and stars!
We will also begin to explore our thoughts and feelings about moving to the Juniors and hope to send the children to the junior school in style in September!
Thank you for your continued support.
Year2 Team