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Year 2 - Autumn Term 1

A warm welcome to all you wonderful Year Two families!

It probably seems like only yesterday that your ‘babies’ were starting in Reception and now they are the oldest children in the school - how time flies! The children are certainly taking their important position seriously – settling back in after the long Summer break and setting a good example to the younger children. It has been so lovely to see how they have settled back into school so beautifully!

The children have been learning all about the different parts of their brain and how they can use them to help them focus, think, remember information and keep themselves calm. These skills have already come in useful as we have entered into our learning about castles, kings and queens and dragons as part of our ‘Before Me’ focus in our ‘West Rise Learning Tree Curriculum’. We hope to have a ‘Medieval day’, which will really bring this topic alive, giving the children first-hand experience of history.

In History this term we will be looking at kings and queens throughout history and comparing them. We will be learning all about the different parts of a castle and how they were made in different time periods. We will be learning about life as a king or queen, ending with our very own banquet!

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In Science this term the children will be looking at materials and deciding which might be useful for building a castle and which would not! They will also be looking at the seasons and weather in the UK.

In Maths the children will be reading and writing two-digit numbers, identifying odd and even numbers, and working on place value by partitioning and representing numbers in different ways. We will be reminding ourselves of how to add and subtract numbers to 100, using a range of different resources to help us.

In Writing the children will be looking at a range of different texts to recreate their own stories which will include capital letters, full stops, different types of punctuation and amazing adjectives!

Please continue to support your children with reading and spellings. Our ‘Friday challenge’ will be given out every Friday. PE is on a Thursday for Emerald and Amber class and a Friday for Sapphire class, the children can come into school in their PE kits. We hope you and the children will really enjoy Year Two!

We can't wait for the year ahead! As always, our doors are always open if you need to speak to us.

Thank you,

The Year Two Team

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