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Reception - Autumn Term 1 2024

We are delighted with the way that the children have begun to settle into school.  The transition period has really helped us to get to know the children, and for them to get to know us. Could we also take this opportunity to thank you all for coming to our parent meetings at the beginning of term, it was great to meet with you all and talk about your lovely children.

We would also like to thank all of you for helping your children come into school independently, saying goodbye to you at the door and bringing their own things into class. This is a great start to teaching children independence, which is an important life skill.  

Our Topic this term is ‘All About Me’. The children will enjoy many exciting learning experiences connected to this theme and as Autumn arrives, we will also be exploring the magical changes of the season.  Parent planning will come home each week in your child’s bookbag - this is a great way for you to feedback to us about your child and their learning or achievements at home.  More information about planning for learning will arrive via Ping each Monday. We are looking forward to working with you throughout the first year of your child’s school life to make it – simply the best!

We are very proud to be a Well Being First School and a lead School for Mind-Up UK.  There will be a letter given to you shortly followed by a meeting held in school, to further explain all that this means. The children have already been practicing mindful breathing as they know this will help them calm their brain and help them to learn.

We also love to celebrate children’s efforts and achievements at school – we want each child to persevere even when they find things difficult and each day, a child is chosen to sit on the special ‘Wise Owl’ chair - each child will eventually get a chance to sit on it and will bring home a certificate to show you when they have been a ‘Wise Old Owl’.

On your child’s birthday they can wear their own clothes to school for that day to make your child feel extra special.

Lots of the children have expressed an interest in having milk and we would just like to remind you that when your child turns five their ‘free’ milk ends. If you would like your child to continue to receive milk you will need to apply online. You can do this via then under the ‘Parent Information’ tab select the ‘Cool Milk’ tab, click on this and you will find all the information you need to order your child’s milk.

We are very much looking forward to our partnership with you all, to ensure a happy and rewarding year for your amazing children.


Many thanks


The Reception Team

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